Our little jungle lab is trying to help manufacture face shields for medical workers, and we tested many designs out on the internet. The fastest design we have used so far is our own modification
based off the Georgia Tech Medical Innovation design

The headband just needs
-acrylic-laser cutter
-Rubber band
-(optional) Eva Foam or Self-Adhesive weather stripping (for forehead comfort)

For the face shield, ideally you have thin sheets of PET that you can laser cut as well, but if you don’t you can use A4 transparency sheets (like we will be) or a sliced up 3 Liter soda bottle (like we also use).
The key advantages of this design are
SPEED- Each takes only about 5 minutes to cut, and maybe 8 minutes total to make (compared to 1.5 hours for a 3D print), plus you can nest them to use less material!

and the
-The headbands can be cut out of Acrylic, PET, or most other plastic sheets you might have (could possibly use wood and MDF, but might be harder to sanitize)
-Can attach different types of simple or disposable face shields like A4 transparency sheets or 3 Liter soda bottles
There are plenty of other designs out there that may be nicer or fancier or might make sense if you have a fleet of 3D printers instead of a laser cutter. Figure out what works best with the materials you have. Here in Panama most of the stores except grocery stores are shut down, so most of these materials you can find at the Super 99 grocery store (e.g. EVA foam and Plastic sheets or soda bottles)

For the face shield, ideally you have thin sheets of PET that you can laser cut as well, but if you don’t you can use A4 transparency sheets (like we will be) or a sliced up 3Liter soda bottle (like we also use)